Savannah grass and trees - photo by David Clode - photo by David Clode

Our Supporters

We are grateful to our supporters whose gifts allow
Voices for Biodiversity to share people's stories from around the world.

Voices for Biodiversity is a stepping-stone:
After our storytellers find their voices and tell their stories about
biodiversity and nature, our storytellers then speak out and engage in
action to save the natural world they love.


Tower of Giraffes


Pride of Lions


Sleuth of Bears


Cloud of Foxes


The Gunderson Family

Charm of Finches


George Basch
Susan Clyde
Lorin Hager
Brent & Sam Moore
Robert Warfield
Katherine Pharibe Wise

Rainbow of butterflies

Under $100

Linda Moscarella
Justin & Patricia Nylund
Laura Romano


Tower of Giraffes


Pride of Lions


Sleuth of Bears


Debra Denker
Victoria Gunn
Sandra I. Liotta

Cloud of Foxes


James Banta & Kathleen Fulton
Hilary Hart
Lee Munson
Michael Washburn & Nancy Carmichael

Charm of Finches


George Basch
Susan Clyde
Sally Denman & John Dickinson
Terry & Mary Garcia
Pam & Hagan Gibbs
Bethe Hagens
Lorin Hager
Rick Hildebrant
Harriet “Cricket” Jiranek
Murray & Deborah Lapides
Yungchien "James" Hsieh & Shui “Phoebe” Lin

Paule Marxe
Brent & Sam Moore
Sally & Richard Obregon
Barbara Ohms
Virginia Newton
Ellynn Ragone
Jerry & Paula Sabloff
Barri Sanders
Robert Warfield
Edie Wilson & Ron Seckinger

Rainbow of butterflies

Under $100

Laura Clarke
William Page & Beverly Dame
Eric Edward Davis
Kim & Rick Harrigan
Kelsey Kennedy & Claire Sheridan
Toby Richard

Laura Romano
Sheil Seclearr
Jean Stevens
Marjorie White
Kimberley Rose Williams