by Kathryn Pardo
In this simple yet stirring short film about life in the Pantanal, the big cat conservation organization Panthera reaches out to the people of Brazil in an attempt to discuss with them the importance of…
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by Kathryn Pardo
RALEIGH, NC—Venus flytrap poaching may not seem like the most lucrative crime for those looking for an easy buck, but the uprooting of these plants to sell in roadside stands and markets is threatening…
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by Kathryn Pardo
WASHINGTON, DC—The Idaho Department of Fish and Game plans to implement aerial hunting of wolves this year, using federal funds to support the culling. The ultimate goal of this plan is not to effectively…
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by Becky Harmon
The Greater Timbavati Region of South Africa encompasses some of the most diverse habitats in the world and is home to the rare white lion and other species that occur nowhere else. For more than a decade,…
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by Narisa Bhanji
We humans like to think of ourselves as superior beings that have control over the fates of other species. We have given ourselves the power to define how the environment and other species around us live.
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by Julia Osterman
Inside all technology-addicted Westerners is the capability to adapt to some of the world’s most desolate landscapes and to transcend their own worldviews to open their minds. Join author Wade Davis as…
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by Altaire Cambata
What are the implications for indigenous or place-based cultures facing the imminent and gradually-destructive processes of climate change? There is a significant amount of literature that suggests the…
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by Altaire Cambata
Dr. Laurie Marker is the co-founder and executive director of the Cheetah Conservation Fund, which helps protect these charismatic big cats worldwide. She helped develop international captive breeding…
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by Morgan Heim
Two journalists grab cameras and head to the wilds of Thailand’s mangrove forests in search of an endangered cat with a special affinity for water.
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by Julia Osterman
Izilwane interviews eminent population geneticist and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Spencer Wells to discuss his most recent book, Pandora’s Seed. He talks about the need to consider the long-term…
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by Kathryn Pardo
WASHINGTON, D.C. — At least seven colleges and universities now receive 100 percent of the electricity they use from green power sources, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
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by Julia Osterman
In this stirring study of how civilization has strained the human relationship with the natural world, author Spencer Wells examines issues such as obesity, global warming, the rise of mental illness,…
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